Friday 10 January 2014

A Feeling for the New Year / 新年の気分を 

Happy New Year! How did everyone end off 2013? I injured myself while in Niigata in early December on a shoot for NHK World’s Journeys in Japan (to be aired January 28th), so I decided to stay home on New Year’s Eve and have a quiet one. I received a translation job on the 28th to be submitted after the New Year break, so it was probably just as well that I had no major plans for the break. At the end of the year, I did an interesting rush translation project and had good news on the work front, so I was certainly in a good mood to greet 2014. I plan on having fun with my work in the coming year. Bring it on! 


Photo translation: If you can express gratitude/indebtedness to those around you, you will never be lonely in life.
(Taken outside a Buddhist temple in Murakami, Niigata, in early December 2013. 写真は13年12月上旬に新潟県村上市にあるお寺の前でロケ中に撮影。)

The Japanese version first appeared in the January 2014 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

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