Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Twitterの力は凄い – The Power of Twitter

先日日本翻訳連盟の関西セミナーでネットワーキングについてのパネルディセカションに参加させてもらいました。同業界者の前で初めて公演する私の意見が皆に役に立つか緊張していました。 講演後、誰かが Twitterに様子を呟いていたと聞きま したが、関心が薄かった様子。でも次の日友人の Facebookの書き込みによると、 当日私の「Facebookなのに、ネットワーキングが目的なら、動物やらのプロフィール写真がおかしい」の意見にに反応した方が多かったそう。Twitterを未だに理解していない私が Twitterの届く範囲にびっくり!

Last month, I was a panelist on the discussion about Networking in Kansai at the Japan Translation Federation (JTF) Kansai Seminar. Being my first time speaking in front of my translation peers, I was quite nervous about having anything useful to impart. After the session, I heard someone in the audience was tweeting the main points of the discussion. Not really understanding Twitter, I didn’t give it much thought. Until the next day, that is. According to a Facebook friend’s status updates, one of my comments had people in a flutter to change their profile photos. Basically, I cannot understand the logic behind people who use Facebook to network using a photo of their pet or whatever as their profile picture, instead of their actual face. Twitter’s influence is greater than I thought.

The Japanese version first appeared in the February 2012 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.