Thursday, 19 December 2013

NHK国際放送視聴者が投票2013 / NHK World Viewer's Choice 2013

NHK World Viewers' Choice 2013

今年監修として務めたNHK国際放送の番組の2本はViewers' Choice* 2013(60本の番組)に選ばれました。結果はCore Kyoto「懐石料理」編はGroup Bの3位、Train Cruise「百年鉄道 ~九州の旅~」(パイロット版)はGroup Fの1位になりました!

Viewers' Choice 2013全体的では、Train Cruiseは25年度の新番組の中では1位で、全体6位でした。2013年の最後にいいプレゼントをいただきました。ありがとうございます!Train Cruise「京都」編が1月末放送予定です。年明けに作業を頑張ります!
 * 厳選された番組にHP上で視聴者が投票する。 

Two of the NHK World programs I worked on this year as script advisor were selected for the 60 programs listed in Viewers' Choice 2013. The result: Core Kyoto "Kaiseki-ryori" came 3rd in Group B and Train Cruise "A Century-Old Railway in Kyushu" (pilot) came 1st in Group F!

Overall, Train Cruise came out as the No. 1 viewers' choice for new programs this year, and No. 6 overall! Now, that's a nice way to end the year. Thank you. Train Cruise Episode 4 "Kyoto" is slated for airing in late January. This is just the right motivation I need when working on the script in early January.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Try being ‘deviceless’ / デバイスレスできる?

People working from home most probably sit in front of their computers for hours a day, even if they have no work. Commuters switch off their computers, but remain connected using their smart phones or tablets to play games, check social networking sites or watch videos. Sometimes I wonder if I’m not doing my head in by relying too much on my devices. To be frank, I have recently lost interest in Facebook, and I have little drive to update my blog. I now even set days when I will not use the Internet. Once I am done writing this, I will go for a walk without my mobile or any device.


The Japanese version first appeared in the September 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

わくわくドキドキ/The Anticipation

今月楽しみにしているのが昔から大好きな歌手の最新リリース。2枚とも既に予約済み。一人は4年ぶり。もう一人はカバーアルバムから9年で、新曲を収録されたCDより26年ぶり! 毎日首を長くして待っています。が、プレ・インターネット時代と比べたら、わくわく感が違います。当時シングルがリリースされて、 先行 2曲を毎日周りの人が飽きる程かけてアルバムを期待していました。今日だと曲がリークされ、色々なサイト上でプレビューされます。だからこそ、今回昔のどきどきを取り戻そうとしてSNSの投稿や試聴等を避けています。

This month I’m looking forward to 2 new releases from 2 of my favourite artists. I’ve already pre-ordered them. One singer’s last CD was four years ago. The other hasn’t released anything since her cover album, nine years ago. But this new release will be the first new material she has released in 26 years! I am eagerly awaiting both. But the excitement is different to what I felt in the pre-Internet days. Back then, a single was released (one song on either side), and I would play those two songs to death in anticipation. Today, songs are leaked, and albums previewed on various web sites. I’m avoiding all that hype and avoiding any posts or reviews on SNS sites and mailing lists to relive the anticipation I once felt.

The Japanese version first appeared in the May 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Books – 本

I often wonder why I love books so much. Is it an escape from the everyday? Is it a desire to fly to unknown lands? Even so, what makes a good book? Is it one that sucks you in so far that you forget the time and finish it straight away? Is it one that can pick up where you left off, despite not having touched it in weeks? Is it one that moves you or makes you ruminative? There will always be a book to suit anyone’s mood at any given moment. There will be times when you cannot get into a book, but try reading it again a year later and it grabs you and whisks you away. Be that what it may, spotting a true booklover is easy; they tsundoku in preparation for the time when a certain mood takes them.

時々思いますが、どうしてこんなに本が好きだろうなと。それは日常から脱出したいのか。知らない世界へ飛び立ちたいのか。が、いい本とはなんでしょうか。読み出して時間を忘れていつもより読むペースの速い本?間隔をかけてもストーリー等を昨日読んだ様に入り込む本?考えさせる、感動させる本?人それぞれその時の精神的なニーズに合う本があります。読み出した本の乗り気分が何となくおかしい時もあ るが、距離を空けて1年後再度チャレンジしましたら、すぐストーリーに溶け込んでしまいます。とはいえ愛書家だと、ばれるのが積読派という面も。

The Japanese version first appeared in the February 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Tree Hugging

House and shop interiors made of wood have a warm, cozy feel, making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Nothing compares to the warmth you feel when walking on wooden floors barefoot. I love the sea and the soothing sound of the crashing waves, but sitting in the mountains or bush surrounded by trees is a different kind of comfort. Trees and greenery have a healing effect and recharge us with a positive energy. The other day, I strolled around the downtown Kobe area for the first time in ages. My friends had never been to Ikuta Shrine, so we went in for a look. I could not resist visiting the sacred forest behind it. Ikuta-no-mori (or what’s left of it) was made famous in Heike Monogatari for its role in the Gempei War. It is so magical, all but a faint hum of engines from the encircling city can be heard. The trees embraced us with their shadows and warmth. How could I not succumb to the sudden urge to indulge in some tree hugging?

家や店の内装が主に木材なら、暖かい気持ちになります。心地良くてリラックスできます。 板張りの床の上に裸足で感じる温もりは他と比べ物がありません。海が好きなんですが、山や森で木に囲まれるのがもっと好きです。木は癒しの元、元気が出るポジティブなエネルギーを持っています。先日神戸を久しぶりに散策しました。生田神社の後ろに広がる、源平物語で有名な生田の森に入りました。街の中に位置しているのに、静かです。木の陰と温もりに包まれた雰囲気に影響されたか分かりませんが、突然思い切り森の木を抱きたくなりました。

The Japanese version appeared in the April 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter. 日本語バージョンはグッドスピードレター2013年4月号に掲載されました。

Friday, 22 March 2013

椅子 – Chairs


Have you ever wondered how many hours of the day you spend sitting? Modern people sit for long hours, compared to people living in days gone by. Exercise will naturally adjust a crooked back, but sitting in a bad posture for extended periods will have long-term repercussions on your lower back and body. The office chair I’m now sitting on is rickety, so I decided to get a new one before my productivity dropped. The other day, I went office chair shopping with a friend who was also looking for a new one. After a while one chair felt like the next – I sat on so many– but I could discern one that ill matched my physique the moment I sat into it. The chair I found most comfortable was quite functional, but it came with a price tag to match. But we mustn’t spare the expense when it comes to our health, should we?

The Japanese version appeared in the December 2012 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter. 日本語バージョンはグッドスピードレター2012年12月号に掲載されました。

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

言葉は文化 – Language is culture

例えば...あなたがビジネスで日本語が流暢にでき る外国人に初めて会うとします。あなたが名刺を 差し出して名字で名乗ります。続いてその方も同 じく名字で名乗ります。 以降その方を何と呼びますか。先日、とある翻訳 MLではこれが話題でした。ほとんどの外国人メ ンバーの経験では、日本人に名字で呼ばれた事が結構少なく、中には名前で呼び捨てされた方もいまし た。我々は日本文化に合わせて日本語で会話しているのに、なぜ日本人は外国人を名字ではなく名前で呼ぶのか...? これがもし日本人同士なら...非常識だと思っ てしまいませんか?ビジネスするなら、お互い同等の立場で気持ちよくスタート する方がいいでのはないでしょうか。

For example, you – a Japanese businessperson – meet a foreigner who speaks fluent Japanese at a business meeting. You give him your business card, introducing yourself with your surname. He does the same. How do you thereafter refer to that foreigner? This was a recent thread on a translation mailing list. Few non-Japanese members said they were called by their surnames. Some even said they were called by their first names without the honorific suffix, -san. Everyone is speaking Japanese in line with the Japanese cultural norms, but why do few Japanese not call non-Japanese counterparts by their surname? If this happened among Japanese businesspeople, everyone would think you lack commonsense, no? You are looking to work in business together, so why not start off on even footing?

The Japanese version first appeared in the November 2012 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

新年の旅 – A New Journey

時間が勿体ないから、仕事の時もプライベートの時も最速の経路で行くことが多いでしょう。でも今回、私はドタバタしている日常と一旦距離をおくために、新年早々フェリーで旅をすることに決めました。ゆっくりと景色を楽しみながら、旅そのものが堪能できます。行き先はどこでも良かったのでフェリーに任せました。観光スポットを調べず着港してからその街の魅力を探検しました。新年へ向けて旅立つ時は行き先が分からないし、急いでも結果は変わりません。今年もできることから成果をゆっくりと 重ねて行けば自ずと見えてくるでしょう。こんな私ですが、本年もよろしくお願いします。

So as not to waste time, we tend to take the quickest route wherever we go, be it work or fun. To escape the rush of everyday life, I decided to take a ferry trip early in the New Year to leisurely take in the scenery and enjoy the ride itself to the fullest. The destination was secondary, so the ferry timetable dictated where. Many surprises were in store as I perambulated the town. When starting a new year, we haven't a clue as to where it will take us. We may want to rush to get to where we are supposed to be going, but the results are just the same. Taking one step at a time, adding each achievement as it comes, is the course I aim to take every year. Let's move forward and make it a good one.

The Japanese version first appeared in the January 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.