Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Books – 本

I often wonder why I love books so much. Is it an escape from the everyday? Is it a desire to fly to unknown lands? Even so, what makes a good book? Is it one that sucks you in so far that you forget the time and finish it straight away? Is it one that can pick up where you left off, despite not having touched it in weeks? Is it one that moves you or makes you ruminative? There will always be a book to suit anyone’s mood at any given moment. There will be times when you cannot get into a book, but try reading it again a year later and it grabs you and whisks you away. Be that what it may, spotting a true booklover is easy; they tsundoku in preparation for the time when a certain mood takes them.

時々思いますが、どうしてこんなに本が好きだろうなと。それは日常から脱出したいのか。知らない世界へ飛び立ちたいのか。が、いい本とはなんでしょうか。読み出して時間を忘れていつもより読むペースの速い本?間隔をかけてもストーリー等を昨日読んだ様に入り込む本?考えさせる、感動させる本?人それぞれその時の精神的なニーズに合う本があります。読み出した本の乗り気分が何となくおかしい時もあ るが、距離を空けて1年後再度チャレンジしましたら、すぐストーリーに溶け込んでしまいます。とはいえ愛書家だと、ばれるのが積読派という面も。

The Japanese version first appeared in the February 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Tree Hugging

House and shop interiors made of wood have a warm, cozy feel, making you feel comfortable and relaxed. Nothing compares to the warmth you feel when walking on wooden floors barefoot. I love the sea and the soothing sound of the crashing waves, but sitting in the mountains or bush surrounded by trees is a different kind of comfort. Trees and greenery have a healing effect and recharge us with a positive energy. The other day, I strolled around the downtown Kobe area for the first time in ages. My friends had never been to Ikuta Shrine, so we went in for a look. I could not resist visiting the sacred forest behind it. Ikuta-no-mori (or what’s left of it) was made famous in Heike Monogatari for its role in the Gempei War. It is so magical, all but a faint hum of engines from the encircling city can be heard. The trees embraced us with their shadows and warmth. How could I not succumb to the sudden urge to indulge in some tree hugging?

家や店の内装が主に木材なら、暖かい気持ちになります。心地良くてリラックスできます。 板張りの床の上に裸足で感じる温もりは他と比べ物がありません。海が好きなんですが、山や森で木に囲まれるのがもっと好きです。木は癒しの元、元気が出るポジティブなエネルギーを持っています。先日神戸を久しぶりに散策しました。生田神社の後ろに広がる、源平物語で有名な生田の森に入りました。街の中に位置しているのに、静かです。木の陰と温もりに包まれた雰囲気に影響されたか分かりませんが、突然思い切り森の木を抱きたくなりました。

The Japanese version appeared in the April 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter. 日本語バージョンはグッドスピードレター2013年4月号に掲載されました。