Thursday, 19 December 2013

NHK国際放送視聴者が投票2013 / NHK World Viewer's Choice 2013

NHK World Viewers' Choice 2013

今年監修として務めたNHK国際放送の番組の2本はViewers' Choice* 2013(60本の番組)に選ばれました。結果はCore Kyoto「懐石料理」編はGroup Bの3位、Train Cruise「百年鉄道 ~九州の旅~」(パイロット版)はGroup Fの1位になりました!

Viewers' Choice 2013全体的では、Train Cruiseは25年度の新番組の中では1位で、全体6位でした。2013年の最後にいいプレゼントをいただきました。ありがとうございます!Train Cruise「京都」編が1月末放送予定です。年明けに作業を頑張ります!
 * 厳選された番組にHP上で視聴者が投票する。 

Two of the NHK World programs I worked on this year as script advisor were selected for the 60 programs listed in Viewers' Choice 2013. The result: Core Kyoto "Kaiseki-ryori" came 3rd in Group B and Train Cruise "A Century-Old Railway in Kyushu" (pilot) came 1st in Group F!

Overall, Train Cruise came out as the No. 1 viewers' choice for new programs this year, and No. 6 overall! Now, that's a nice way to end the year. Thank you. Train Cruise Episode 4 "Kyoto" is slated for airing in late January. This is just the right motivation I need when working on the script in early January.