Tuesday, 15 July 2014

花火 / Fireworks


There are many things throughout the year that are unexpected, but there is lots to look forward to, too. When I get to December and I look back on the year, I feel that something is not right if I haven’t at least gone to hatsumode (first trip to the Shinto shrine for the year), Ebissan (a Kansai festival for prosperity in business), a danjiri festival with their lively floats, a fireworks display, and Kobe Luminarie (held in early December in memory of those who died during the 1995 earthquake). Of course, you have to celebrate Christmas, too. Of these, I particularly enjoy the fireworks. I sit with a beer in hand and watch them wearing my jimbei (traditional summer wear). Fireworks are uplifting. This year, we had a guest from Tokyo watching with us, and we talked about the regional differences in the fireworks displays. It was his first time to watch the Kobe fireworks (usually held the first Saturday in August). He said that each of the fireworks let off during the Sumida River display in Tokyo is a work of art in itself, but the Kobe display have class. As a local, hearing that put a smile on my face.

[Note: The Kobe Minato Fireworks Display is usually held the first Saturday in August from around 7.30 p.m. The fireworks are let off from barges anchored in the port, so the best views are at Harborland, Meriken Park, Port Island or any of the piers.]

The Japanese version first appeared in the August 2013 issue of the goodspeed monthly newsletter.

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